
Evolving | 港城更迭出新境

楼市动态 2021/6/9 8:55:47 1324次 0条点评



      The location of civilization determines the form of residence.

      The repair of the building determines the quality of living.


      With the development of The Times, human habitation architecture has become not only a simple place to live, but also a profound interpretation of art, aesthetics and life. These changes have prompted changes in urban living forms and living patterns.




      The era of 1.0 - Tuanzilou is popular.

      In the early stage of reform and opening up, "Tun Zi Lou" was the beginning of residential building era, but also the memory of a generation.




       The era of 2.0 - the official arrival of commercial housing

       The emergence of commercial housing provides superior high-rise residential living conditions and promotes the development of human settlements.



       3.0 era - villas and houses are popular

       In 2001, located in the suburbs of the international villas, houses began to emerge in large numbers, and become the new favorite of people.

longlife mansion




       The era of 4.0 -- the high-end life of private resources

       It not only occupies the city's precious resources (nature, location, supporting facilities), but also uses advanced technology to build a comfortable living environment.



       Era 5.0 - "Next Generation" will be the focus

      Starting from the site selection of the project, supporting the focus on children's education, community emphasis on safety, opening the era of "growth housing".

longlife mansion



      The form of residence depends on the development of civilization. The form of the building, as a microcosm of The Times, bears witness to the changes of the city. Based on the urban dimension, if we re-examine the evolution history of human settlements in Zhangjiagang from the perspective of time, it is not difficult to comb out the traces of the evolution of human settlements in Zhangjiagang.


       Looking back to the development of a city, great cities always have a forward force with them. According to the overall urban planning of Zhangjiagang, the development direction of the north expansion is established. Based on the multi-dimensional considerations of education, commerce, transportation, medical treatment and other aspects of quality living, the "science and education research and development area" is constructed, which opens up a broader space for the imagination of the city in the future. (Source: Zhangjiagang Natural Resources and Planning Bureau)



      As wisdom science city, start construction, future planning a total of 25 piece of form a complete set of "pure business", and, in the research and development of "science and education zone" of planning and good at the same time, build the games, the innovation to the social economic field, and other collections of the space, become the prosperity of ideal life field, let the growth in the city area, zhangjiagang and synchronization of the world. (Source: Zhangjiagang Natural Resources and Planning Bureau)


       Every era and city should have a place to look forward to the future life, so is Shenzhen under the tide of The Times. In 2021, Country Garden and Longhu will join hands to locate the gold plate in the north of the city. Within 2 kilometers, there will be Langxiu City (under construction) and Wanda Plaza. At the same time, it will be adjacent to the Nonglian Campus of Jiyang Primary School (under construction) and the No. 2 Middle School of the city (north campus).



      With the development of the city, Country Garden & Longhu has an insight into the upgrading trend of the diversified demands for urban living, and has learned from the international advanced concepts and models to build a LongLife growth community based on the concept of "Children Friendly Community" of the United Nations. With the spirit of craftsmen, we create a complete set of living facilities for all ages, and customize the exclusive space for different groups of people, so that the health and laughter of the whole family can be within reach.



      Darwin said evolution is a way for living things to adapt to nature. The evolution of the house is a new understanding and combination of urban life. The 5.0 evolutionary house created by Country Garden & Longhu makes the house not just a space, but a node of all the living elements, which adds a strong color to the high-quality living quarters in Zhangjiagang.



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